Apparel, Hit City U.S.A., The Perfect White T-Shirt

The Perfect White T-Shirt - Launch Party Upstairs at Ace Hotel Downtown LA

The Perfect White T-Shirt is just right for daytime parties at the Ace Hotel Downtown LA, Hit City shows, sleepovers, flea markets, weddings, traffic school, chili cook-offs or any other situation you could possibly find yourself in. Its soft, fits incredibly well and can take daily abuse in stride. 

Don't believe us?  Try one on for yourself this friday (7/18) at the Ace Hotel Downtown LA - Hit City is taking over the rooftop patio 2-7 PM in celebration of the Perfect White T-Shirt. We'll be spinning tunes all afternoon and selling everything at a heavy discount. 

Come have a drink with your friendly neighborhood record label! 

DJ sets by Superhumanoids, Daniel T. of Cosmic Kids, James Supercave, and Kyle Mooney.